While we at the factory for some warranty repairs (it was one of the many things on my list) they just tightened up the set screw. They also suggested placing a zip lock bag over the faucet. Well, we now just place a zip-lock bag over the end of the faucet - as our "pre-travel" check list.
Must be something with the internal sprayer hose that wants it to move over the table while traveling, cause most of the time, we find it that way, but with the bag on it - no more water on the table.
2015 F350 DRW, 2015 Sequoia SQ38HRL, G614's, Titan Disk Brakes, Trail-Air Flex Air pin box, SRE4000 w/ X-brace, Heavy Duty Shackle Straps w/ Wet Bolts & New Springs.. Now I am done for awhile.