Originally Posted by r time soon
Brad, I am not sure why the muffler is behind the drop part of the frame. My guess is because my 6500 Onan that came in our 2012 36RL was originally gas and was converted to LP. I would assume that the previous owner moved it from coach to coach when they traded or upgraded. Not sure if ours has the muffler built in or not, probably why it was installed as part of the exhaust. Puts out 54 amps. Works fine. Sure doesn't look near as bulky or boxy as the modern ones.
Ah OK. That's a motorhome style generator, probably for an older Class C or A that was mounted on the side of the frame with a cabinet door that was had a large vent in it, and the insulation around the box to quiet them.
Sorry about that. I just assumed it was the newer style that are all boxed in and have a cooling system fan that circulates and exhausts air out the bottom, eliminating the need for the vent in the cabinet door. The muffler and intake are all contained inside the insulated enclosure.