Based on our experience with the vinyl graphics on our Landmark (could apply to any brand) we have quickly become a non fan of graphics on an RV. The new 2013 36FB we are planning to purchase Wednesday or Thursday has the black and tan full body paint. Absolutely gorgeous!!!
But, as RVs age and the caulking used to seal exterior joints to prevent leaking dries out, the time comes down the road to either re-caulk or let it leak. So with full body paint what does one do?
We are stationary RVers, meaning we may only move seasonally once a year and approximately 3000 miles per year. So my hopes are we won't be breaking the seal of the caulking due to road vibrations and stressing the joints. Yet I have to ask, how long typically before one has to re-caulk areas that will affect the full body paint and when you do, how is it done without ruining the FBP and showing?
Edited by: GHage
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