Bryan, I was tossing the idea around about trying to winter in my coach, but after reading your post, I am not so sure now. Maybe I can bring my coach down and you can insulate mine as well!
Supposed to pick it up Friday this week.
I went to the dealer yesterday to do my own form of PDI and the main thing I found wrong was the dining room table window. The opening portions of the windows were not made correctly so there is gaps all along the edges where the glass would meet the frame. Hard to explain, but basically it looks like the windows are cracked open as you can see daylight, even though they are not. I am not sure what the solution is going to be to fix this other than having to have the entire window replaced. I am also not sure how I feel about the dealer having to do the work...Waiting for a call back from them tomorrow to see how we are going to proceed as they need to contact Redwood in the morning.