Hey all. We have a 2020 3991rd and are searching for some inside stair tread covers. The wood threads are just getting scratched up and would like to find either carpet or something that I can remove and clean. The treads have a radius front, so not easy to find. Anyone found anything?
We have a 2013 38GK and the middle step, going up to the bathroom and bedroom area, is loose and sagging. Has anyone else had this problem? If so, how do you go about fixing it without tearing up the basement wall? It would make a great little storage area, also, but just REALLY need to get it solid!
You don't have to tear up the basement wall, just take the screws out to open it up. Some ditch the screws and reattach the wall section with hook and loop. (Velcro)
What does the solar connector on the side connect to? I would think that if it was connected to the batteries there would 13.4 vdc on that connector. Unless there is a blocking diode in the line.