High water pressure will harm the water faucets and water valves in your trailer. This includes the sink faucets, shower faucet, toilet valve, ice maker valve, dishwasher valve, and washing machine valves.
Building code for residential houses requires a water pressure regulator.
When the factory does a water pressure test on your trailer it is only for a very short duration.
The water pressure at a camp site can change throughout the day and different days of the week. It may not be a good idea to trust the reading you get when you test it before connecting.
The pressure regulators the trailer supply stores sell have a very small opening and will reduce your water flow. I recommend buying a regulator at a plumbing supply store. These have large openings and are able to regulate the pressure without reducing the water flow.
High water pressure will harm the water faucets and water valves in your trailer. This includes the sink faucets, shower faucet, toilet valve, ice maker valve, dishwasher valve, and washing machine valves.
Building code for residential houses requires a water pressure regulator.
When the factory does a water pressure test on your trailer it is only for a very short duration.
The water pressure at a camp site can change throughout the day and different days of the week. It may not be a good idea to trust the reading you get when you test it before connecting.
The pressure regulators the trailer supply stores sell have a very small opening and will reduce your water flow. I recommend buying a regulator at a plumbing supply store. These have large openings and are able to regulate the pressure without reducing the water flow.
Very good point, one more thing to do,
07 Dodge 3500, Exhaust Brake, Edge Programer, Killer "B" Turbo
13 RL ALL options except Gen and W/D