I resolved the problem.....Yes Don I fixed it myself.....Last fall after I winterized the unit I took it to the factory and one of the things they fixed was the siphon problem that some of us have been having. Apparently, they did some re-plumbing around the pump. Since the unit was winterized they didn't test their fittings under pressure (I sure wish they had).
After taking the under belly down and looking for kinked hoses I noticed that the water was draining out of the sight glass. I started moving the pex pipe and realized the the fittings were loose. This allowed the pump to suck air, so I cut some new lines and put new clamps on the pipe. I also used Teflon tape on all screw fittings.
After scratching my head for for a few days....the problem was right in front of me. I'm now educated on the plumbing of RV's.......time for a drink
Edited by: Dave&Ginny