The Alaska roads are not as rough as the Alaska Highway roads! Be sure to get the 2013 Milepost publication for a mile-by-mile description of road conditions, fuel availability, campgrounds, points of interest, etc. This was our second RV trip up the Alaska Highway, and we came out last fall via the Cassiar Highway. We wouldn't do any of these routes without the Milepost. Very few campgrounds and other services in BC, AB, YT and AK are open now - most (including our RV park in Fairbanks) open Memorial Day if the sewers are thawed and close Labor Day unless it snows earlier. Some will be late opening this year because there is so much snow and the ground is still frozen deep. Yes, we had some issues from snow and ice; flat tire, cracked windshield, broken wire chase under slide, sluggish/frozen stabilizers and slides - that's why we posted looking for experiences of other winter RVing Redwood owners. Nothing irreparable, though, so don't drop your dream of coming to amazing Alaska!