Water Leak Alarm Went Off
So one of the items on our punch list for our first warranty service trip was that the kitchen sink was leaking from the seam where it connects from underneath to the countertop. They said they fixed it. Well, they didn't. Today, Todd and I were running around trying to find the frantic alarm that was going off. FINALLY found it. It was under the kitchen sink where I had (thankfully) placed one of the sink alarms that I got in a 3-pack from Amazon.com. It just paid for itself. Water (and Simple Green) all over under there (I had just sprayed and cleaned the sink). So, that isn't fixed. I gave up and went and bought some clear silicone and I am going to try and seal it myself. There is really no reason that it should still be leaking... that's a simple job. Now I am wondering if they DID fix it??
We have also discovered a couple of other UNfixed things. Frustrating. Heatpump is buzzing again in the ceiling, even tho it WAS fixed for a while. A very annoying sound. It's not in a place we can reach through the vents. So far it's not too loud so I am going to wait a bit and see if we go crazy.
Moral of the story: I'm glad I have water alarms, and I also put one on the floor next to my clothes washer and under the bathroom sink. I need to put one in the basement under the shower area somehow too. THEY SURE WORK! Yikes! My ears are still ringing.
Oh, and one or two of the LED lights don't work in the awning they replaced. Crap.