Best way to Cortez CO: Santa Fe or Albuquerque?
We are going to Cortez CO from Central Texas via 285 next week. We know the route very well, and prefer to go the slower, scenic way through Santa Fe to Chama, Pagosa Springs, and Durango to Cortez. I know that it is shorter to go through Albuquerque & Farmington, but it's not as scenic, and I've never gone that way towing a fifth wheel, so I don't know how the mid-week traffic compares.
The worst part of the 285 trip is going through Santa Fe on St Francis Street, so we have always timed our trip to go through on a Sunday morning when traffic is lightest. This time we'll have to go through mid-week, but we can time our passage for early afternoon (pre-rush hour).
This is going to be a short (10 day) trip, so traffic avoidance is my primary concern to maximize time in Cortez. What route would you all choose?