We have been living in our RW Since June 4th. Everything is going GREAT! The only travelling we have done is from the dealership home, and from home to here (which is only a mile from home!)
On July 12th we head out, on a 3 hour drive east on the Columbia River Gorge (I-84) and will "Camp" at our annual shindig with about 20 other families, which we have been doing for many, many years.
It will be a good test for a few of the systems: For one thing, the water filtration. This park, much as I love it, tastes like someone dropped a skunk in the water tower. I am not exagerating! You can SMELL it! YUCK.
The gorge has some challenging wind MOST of the time, so we will see how she handles in WIND.
This area is HOTTT all the time (that's why we go there). 90's is a cold snap. One year it was in the 110+ every one of the 10 days. SO we will check that cooling system too!
I'll keep you all posted, you know I will!!!