For those who do not recall or maybe were not members here yet, some of the founding members of the ROG attempted to smear and discredit me and this community while also trying to usurp this community by pushing folks to their forum. I did not appreciate those actions and thus banned discussions of the ROG here on Redwood Owners. Please note I also attempted to find a solution with them where we could work with them where we provided the forum platform to power the owners group as we do with Forest River Forums and their FROG group or Airstream and many of the WBCCI chapters. We were never able to come to amicable terms so unfortunately we are still running under the directive to not allow ROG discussions here, after all that's why they setup their own forum that they so heavily promoted.
If the leadership changes and wants to discuss moving forward together, I would be glad to discuss solutions. Until then we will continue to provide the best experience for our members and wish them luck with the club.
Thanks for understanding and keeping things positive.