The results are in and the votes are tallied.
Attached are what the respondents here feel about Redwood, their products, customer service and some of our ideas of what could be added. Overall I think people are very pleased with their coaches but there is still some challenges when it comes to the dealer network.
I am pleased that 2/3rds of the responses come from people that aren't planning on attending the rally. This gives them a voice to share their thoughts.
I also wanted to get a sense of how all the different upgrades stacked up so I create a short list sorted by the response scores of the options people thought would be good for RW to add. The list is also attached.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. I know RW is interested in our feedback so this has been very worthwhile!
Sorry about the pagination of the report but had some technical issues with the reporting part of the survey software. That said, still very readable IMO.
Redwood RV Forum Survey - 20140806.pdf
Redwood RV Forum Survey - SurveyOptionsResults - 20140806.pdf