Bewar of a company called OCEAN CANYON PROPERTIES
They offer free camping packages at Camping World and probably other sales sites...For this free camping you are supposed to take a tour of the property. They you inhouse financing at no interest for 6 months and then let you pay off or handle financing yourself...If you need financing....No matter how many times you tell them you have more credit cards thatn you coukd ever use or want to use they don't pay attenton and fraudulently sign you up anyway telling you you are only signing your member shi forms including inhouse financing. But telling them no to a new credit card that you don't want they hand you a membership signature card that turns out to be a Coast to Coast credit card and they immediately pull cash from the credit card and you don't even know it til the card arrives...We know because we are in a dispute with them at this time and the BBB has revoked their membership and has issued an alert about their deceptive sales and financing practices as many other problems...For you new campers such as my spouse and I.....BEWARE...... my wife is an accountant and she reads everything...but when someone inteupts your reading every minute or so ya kinda loose track and your questions are answered verbally totaly B.S. I don't care what you purchase other than normak suer to check with BBB first..Our only saviour is going to be they have (signed copies) that we have copies of and they are not signed. Fraud, lies and Forgery....Not Good for them...We have canceled and filed for dispute resolution with BBB ad the credit card company an our nesxt move is the Attorney General and Federal Trade Commission